[TypeScript] TypeScript Grammar - 02
Development Study/Frontend
Previous Series [TypeScript] TypeScript Grammar - 01 1. Type Annotation TypeScript uses colon ( : ) behind variables to annotate a type const myMaxHamburger: number = 3; const answer: string = "Yes I can"; const drinks: boolean = true; You can code like variable: It is essential to write this annotation, so time-map-installer.tistory.com 2. Array In this section, we are going to find out what's ..
[TypeScript] TypeScript Grammar - 01
Development Study/Frontend
1. Type Annotation TypeScript uses colon ( : ) behind variables to annotate a type const myMaxHamburger: number = 3; const answer: string = "Yes I can"; const drinks: boolean = true; You can code like variable: It is essential to write this annotation, so be careful to pass by this 1_01. Type Declaration_string let str: string; let red: string = 'Red'; let green: string = 'Green'; let myColor: s..
[TypeScript] Differences between .ts & .tsx
Development Study/Frontend
When we code with a typescript, we can see 2 extensions of it. CASE .tsx In this case, it means for files that contain JSX TSX file is a TypeScript(.ts) file witten using JSX syntax. It contains code that is most likely part of a single-page or mobile application We usually open this in source code editors like VSCode CASE .ts In this case, it means for pure TypeScript files .ts files have diffe..
[2022WinterBootcamp] 0~1주차 회고
2023 Serieses [ 2023 ] CheckPoint, 2023년 2023년동안 작성했던 회고록들을 모아 둔 게시글이다 2023년 동안 작성한 회고들을 계속해서 업데이트 해 나갈 예정이다 [ January ] - 변화의 시작, 1월 [2022WinterBootcamp] 0~1주차 회고 개발자가 되기로 time-map-installer.tistory.com 개발자가 되기로 진로를 굳히고 나서 가장 처음으로 하는 팀 단위 단기간 고성장 프로젝트가 아닐까 싶다 기존에 예상되던 참가자보다 2배 정도 많았기에 원래 진행하기로 했던 방식에서 추가로 챌린지 방식이 도입되었다 이전 방식보다는 훨씬 더 난이도가 높아졌다는 이야기를 들었지만, 그런 이야기를 들으면서 드는 한 가지 생각이 있었다 "차라리 이렇게 되어..
[Architecture] View Course of System
Development Study/Background Knowledges
What do we have to know? What is Software system architecture? Why do we have to draw architecture? How to draw architecture? What is System architecture? A system architecture is the conceptual model that defines the structure, behavior, and more views of a system And this is example of a diagram of system architecture that was visualized to help understand An architecture diagram is a visual r..
[API] Essential programming system, API
Development Study/Background Knowledges
We have to type so many codes when we have to make a program Nowadays, there are many systems that help make codes. An API is the one that helps reduce time when we are programming So, What is API?? API is an Application Programming Interface, and it has the following definitions A set of functions and procedures allowing the creation of applications that access the features of data of an operat..