[Quick Tips] Create New React Project
Development Study/Frontend
1. Choose your directory 2. Put this command in the terminal npx create-react-app mynewproject !Caution : You can use only lower case letter when you create your project ex) myNewProject(x), mynewproject(O) 3. Now you can create new React Project! Happy Hacking! End
[Mac, Brew] Upgrade & Downgrade Node Versions
Development Study/Background Knowledges
In here, we use Homebrew to upgrade & downgrade you node version 1. Check your node version and search your node lists brew search node node -v 2. Unlink your current node version brew unlink node + If(I don't have that version I want to use!) { brew install node@14 } You can use that command to install the version 3. Install new node version that you want brew link --overwrite --force node@19 +..
[TypeScript] TypeScript Grammar - 09
Development Study/Frontend
Previous Series
[TypeScript] TypeScript Grammar - 08
Development Study/Frontend
Previous Series [TypeScript] TypeScript Grammar - 06~07 Previous Series [TypeScript] TypeScript Grammar - 03~05 3. Type alias This Posting contains how to alias type to other variables type myType = number | string; let grade: myType = 3 Use type to create type and use to annotate another. Usually, we use it wh time-map-installer.tistory.com 8. Class class Train { color : string; constructor(col..
[TypeScript] TypeScript Grammar - 06~07
Development Study/Frontend
Previous Series [TypeScript] TypeScript Grammar - 03~05 3. Type alias This Posting contains how to alias type to other variables type myType = number | string; let grade: myType = 3 Use type to create type and use to annotate another. Usually, we use it when we have to define two or more variables 3_01. Type al time-map-installer.tistory.com 6. Functions This Posting contains how to make functin..
[TypeScript] TypeScript Grammar - 03~05
Development Study/Frontend
Previous Series [TypeScript] TypeScript Grammar - 02 Previous Series [TypeScript] TypeScript Grammar - 01 1. Type Annotation TypeScript uses colon ( : ) behind variables to annotate a type const myMaxHamburger: number = 3; const answer: string = "Yes I can"; const drinks: boolean = true; You can code like va time-map-installer.tistory.com 3. Type alias This Posting contains how to alias type to ..