Development Study/Background Knowledges

[API] Essential programming system, API

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We have to type so many codes when we have to make a program

Nowadays, there are many systems that help make codes.

An API is the one that helps reduce time when we are programming

So, What is API??

API is an Application Programming Interface, and it has the following definitions

A set of functions and procedures allowing the creation of applications that access the features of data of an operating system, application, or other service.

Or we can say "It is a way for two or more computer programs to communicate with each other."


It is a type of software interface, offering a service to other pieces of software.

How does it works?


Maybe, someone may ask a question like this

"So How does it works?"

Here, is an API working diagram to understand

First of all, users want something to see.

And use an APP to send a request.

APP sends a request for the BACKEND like Delete, Get, Put, Post, Custom, etc.

The created data goes through the API and is sent to the app

And then, users can show data that they want

Can you introduce some APIs?

The API has 4 types and it is separated by 3 types of common architectures

APIs and API architectures


Four broad categories of API

  • Open APIs
    • Any developer can access
  • Partner APIs
    • Only authorized developers may access
  • Internal APIs
    • Only internal teams may access
  • Composite APIs
    • Combine multiple APIs

Three common types of API architectures

  • REST
    • A collection of guidelines for lightweight, scalable web APIs
  • SOAP
    • A stricter protocol for more secure APIs
  • RPC
    • A protocol for invoking processes that can be written with XML(XML-RPC) or JSON(JSON-RPC)







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